ugh.ok..fascism did not triumph in Britain because... ugh.ok..fascism did not triumph in Britain because...

Thursday, Dec. 13, 2001 and history tomorrow.

Sounds like lots and lots of fun.

Seeing as I'm soo dedicated, I'm even going into school 2 hours before my first exam to revise!

Are you not impressed?

Well...seeing as its pretty much the only history revision I intend to do..I guess its not that impressive.

I mean, I am making SOME effort, in fact, I'm preparing for my history revision right now!

Had english language today, wasn't too bad, and that was all i had:-) so I did some xmas shopping before the exam, went and had the nicest hot chocolate at Coffee Republic and went looking at very expensive gorgeous red dresses with emma lindsay vicki lizzy and clairey, which was fun.

I really like this whole study leave concept. Apart from the exams...mocks-time is actually not bad.

Only because they don't count for anything..if they were real I'm pretty sure that would not be the case.

It's cold. I'm very pissed off for no apparent reason. I've been listening to an awful lot of Linkin Park lately...linkin + chocolate = :-) Am just sitting here giving evils to the computer screen...

surrender | hi, my name is...

ugh.ok..fascism did not triumph in Britain because...
did you miss?