hide and seek hide and seek

Friday, Feb. 17, 2006
the dust has only just began to fall

When you sleep so much you always feel tired. Or in spite. Of sleeping.

you won't catch me around here.

I know the city well, and I like that. I know the little things and I love the rare semi-tranquil moments, even if they're just moments. You learn to appreciate everything you can get. Every moment.

you only meant well...Well of course you did..

Sometimes I do feel a little reckless, why not? A little out of the ordinary, a little space to see things differently... even if searching for ways to pass the time.

that it's all for the best...of course it is.

Maybe I miss the drama. I know it's really bad. A greater purpose or reason for being. Or maybe my ego needs feeding. Maybe I'm not as sweet as I look.

Speak no feeling, no, I don't believe you, you don't care a bit.

I talk myself into so many things. In an ideal world I shouldn't have to. I like to take things at my own pace, I just wish everyone else could follow my lead..I make so many promises to myself, next time it'll be different. I'll be different and I'll never go through this again. For the greater good. Live and learn. And such other bullshit.

And it kills me that I keep playing this game and you always end up winning.

you don't care a bit.

nobody has to stay | hung up

hide and seek
did you miss?