revenge on greedy wasps revenge on greedy wasps

Thursday, Aug. 07, 2003
I am so loving this...

see here for more

and this...

Terror Alert Level

I have discovered my dad is omnipresent. He's the omniscient voice that follows you wherever you go, hearing everything you say. It's rather scary and unnerving.

My mum can go back to work! She's been singing and dancing about it all day. Unfortunately, not litterally, although that would be an amusing sight. She took us for a picnic yesterday, the way she used to when we were small. The rest of the world seemed to have the same idea, and we were fighting for shade-space. (And I'm talking Higgonson park here!!) We also killed wasps with lemonade. I admire my mum for the way she is always so positive, so strong.

I love her so much.

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revenge on greedy wasps
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