about kacy about kacy

hiya every1!!

I am here today to talk to you about a very cool person called

KIRON (yay!!!)

Kiron is a really cool friend who is a lot of fun to be around. She is friendly, pretty, intellegent and easygoing. Everyone loves her as she smiles her way through life, and is a really understanding person. She is the best peson to talk to if you have anything on your mind, and she always knows exactly what to say!!

She wasnt sure about the idea of me writing about her on the net, but hopefully she will change her mind after reading this!!

>>>>>>>MY PREDCTIONS<<<<<<<

Kiron will go to university after leaving school with excellent grades, (hard work pays off) and she will decide to follow her dreams

All this time, she continues with her dancing, as it makes her happy (yay!!) and cos she's soooo good at it! (I've seen one of her performances -i was in the front row going "yay!! go kc"!!)

She will settle down with a man she meets by chance on a train. She drops the book she is reading. The kindly gentlman picks it up for her, and they look into each others eyes:

"Jane Austin, i see. Great author, i have to say" *kiron looks at what the gentleman is reading*

"The Adventures of The Brave Little Toaster?..um..interesting choice."

*man looks all embarrassed as kiron hurridly gets up to leave the train, smiling politely at the gentlemen.*

*She runs into another man in her hurry, who spills his coffee over her shoes*

"I am so sorry!! How could i be so stupid!"

And that was the beginning of a beautiful, lifelong realationship in which two children are born, one of which becomes a dancer, and the other becomes a doctor, curing dieseases and saving lives!)

Kiron will use some of the money she has earned through her dancing to set up her own dance school (yay!!!)

She will teach hundreds of ickle kids to not so ickle kids, and the school itself will create stars who will take the dancing world by storm, all thanks to Kiron Chapman!! (yay!!)

That is all for now

But i will return


cya ppl

luv saz :)

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