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Saturday, Sept. 15, 2001
its saturday afternoon, and a have done a grand total of NOTHING all day. Quite impressive, really. Why am I so lazy? Well, it could be considered a good thing i suppose -less stress :)

hey laurs! -tis probably only you that reads this (it's certainly only you who signs the guestbook!) So i might as well direct this entry towards you. Ricardo still hasnt chosen anyone, i forgot to ask him, but never mind. Your friends (well, ex-friends) are scary...you have to be firm and say OI! NO MORE SCARINESS!! And you have to come and visit soon as well...or before we know it, it'll be another 3 years! I still cant believe it had been three years, though. You're still so much like me. And we were able to talk like we had spoken every day! But, methinks msn has something to do with that... Don't be unhappy laura! I always remember you as being happiness personified, so u have to keep smiling:) Things will work out, i promise.

sickening | happy and smiley

did you miss?