xmas xmas

Wednesday, Dec. 26, 2001
Christmas..come and gone..so damn quickly. Strange to think there was so much fuss over a day which i slept through half of..

Was very fun though :-)

I got a cool new hairdryer with attactchments (yay! my old one broke..) I got a new coat which is black but with purple lining -yay! and some other random stuff (like ping-pong balls)..hmmm..yes..

I also suceeded in killing my cousin :-) which is always fun (ironically..he was also trying to kill me..)

I'm talking about a board game called Risk if you were curious...which involves killing ppl...well..killing armies anyway..by rolling dice...its complicated..unless you've played it, which is the same with many games...its kinda a family tradition with us, and xmas wouldnt be the same without it...

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