Free Free

Saturday, Mar. 02, 2002
Don't try to take this from me

I need it more than you could ever know

Don't try to reassure me

You don't know how far I would go

To be free from what confines me

These walls are closing in around me

I don't know what what I can't feel

I feel the hate that burns inside me

Don't understand myself these days

Don't even know me anymore

Don't see myself in the mirror

Just a child; so lost, so insecure

Need to be free from what confines me

These walls are closing in around me

I don't know what what I can't feel

I feel the hate that burns inside me

Don't bother waiting for the sun

To shine in through my window

Take my life in my own hands

You don't know how far I would go

To be free from what confines me

These walls are closing in around me

I don't know what what I can't feel

I feel the hate that burns inside me

smile | fairy...

did you miss?