let me sleep next to the mirror let me sleep next to the mirror

Tuesday, Apr. 01, 2003
I have a C in english. Which is 9 marks above my previous D. Yay.

I know you dont like mirrors when the reflect on you.

Devised drama on thusday, you better all be there, 7.30, drama studio. I'm actually terrified. I'm so shit at this.

For every word that you write /They won�t mean much as barricades (they hold me down)

Kates birthday tomorrow. I'm too busy these days. I made a Sam Van. It's red. Sleep has become my no.1 priority.

My reflection showed that I�m far too critical

My hair is all wrong. It's raining again.

- | welcome to my world

let me sleep next to the mirror
did you miss?