maybe someday we'll be smarter maybe someday we'll be smarter

Thursday, Jun. 12, 2003
My 5 frees went suprisingly quickly today. Filled with sunshine and Barbie Uno and general chilling meant a rather relaxed day today.

Well theyre hardly gonna do anything intensive really...

Started reading Frankenstein. One of these books I really should have read, along with 1894 and Brave New World..which i'm doing coursework on. But havent read.

Yeah, I'm doing well.

Have pretty bracelets today thanks to Bryony and a choker and ANOTHER bracelet bringing me happiness and sucess thanks to Sophs.

Content. Although, isnt that something you should never be? Always be happy, never satisfied?

explanations/justifications | what's my age again?

maybe someday we'll be smarter
did you miss?