you are the bluest light you are the bluest light

Monday, May. 02, 2005
Something occurred to me, at some point.

And I know this sounds utterly self involved and pretentiously analytical, but that doesn't make it any less true.

I'm not the same.

When lots of things happen that have the power to change the way you feel, the way you think, attitudes, everything.

In a relatively short space of time.

I keep making everything different. I'm in control.

The things that used to keep me up at nights, they haven't changed exactly, but I have perhaps, so it's okay.

They don't matter to me anymore.

This is how I know I'm not simply going round in circles.

I think.

I'm not where I was, I can't go back so surely

I must be moving forward -moving on.

no more mosquitoes | hey coffee eyes, you got me coughin' up my cookie heart

you are the bluest light
did you miss?