Sunday, May. 15, 2005
People can adjust to lots of things. Such as the front my hair sweeping across my forehead. Over the years I have got used to seeing through hair over my eyes, although now I only see it I look up. I'd feel lost and confused if I looked up and it wasn't there.

But I'm sure I'd adjust.

I don't feel sad about lot's of things I used to. It's just the way it goes.

Like moving round in cycles.

And in these cycles I'm sure I'm due to cheer up sometime soon.

Adjustments can be easy on some level. Simple matter of time and distractions. But adjustments aren't always the end of the story. Sometimes you need a better reason to smile in those quiet moments.

Maybe it's just boredom. Not because I'm not busy.

Still waiting for something more.

So damn cynical these days.

hey coffee eyes, you got me coughin' up my cookie heart | 48 days later


did you miss?