memories memories

its weird when you go for a walk, and end up going down memory lane, so to speak. Places can bring back soooo many memories, some recent and some from so long ago that you almost forgot they ever happened. Even in your own town, somewhere you've lived almost all of your life, there are places which you just dont go anymore, and forget. Until perchance you come across them again, and you feel like acting like a kid again, just to relive the memory all over again.

The past is a place i tend not to go often. There are people who live for the past, living in memories of things that no longer can exist, as it passed with the times, and eventually, everyone has to move on. I can't say i'm one of those people. I think it has something to do with that now i am actually more happy than I have ever been in my life. I don't look back wistfully at the past, as i actually prefer the present. Going back just doesnt appeal to me. I mean, dont get me wrong, i wasnt really unhappy in the past, but i wasnt amazingly happy either.

I think one of the reasons people like to live for the past is beacuse they only remember the goind points, as people like to forget things that dont go their way. Like how old people talk about "the good old days" when everything was great, and how todays youths have messsed it all up. In reality, it wasn't as perfect as they think.

staples are pointy and sharp | chocolate -*gasp*

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