hhmm... hhmm...

Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2001
if you just read that previous entry i am pretty sure you think i am completely insane/schizophrenic or whetever, but honestly, i'm just bizarre. That's all. I am just exercising my human right to be bizarre and that is exactly what i will continue to do:) hehehe...yeah i'll shut up soon i promise.

One day i will stop talking altogether. Then you'll all be sorry. Or you'll just be intensly grateful. Whichever you prefer. Do you think i talk too much? Is it bad? Or is it just my insatiable Gemini thirst for communication? Oh i don't know.

Isnt it amazing that there are people who think that i am quiet&thoughtful. Yeah, like theres ever anything going on inside my head. There ARE times when i actually stop and think, honestly.

It's kinda painful, though. And QUIET? me?? HA! likely.

Anyway, i am bored :(

Although a appear to have too much time on my hands, there is actually a lotta stuff i'm meant to be doing. Oh well, theres always...some other time which isn't now.

I'm beginning to think i should just give up on this diaryland thing seeing as i never have anything mildly interesting to say, and the only people who come here tend to be forced to. Sorry:( I'f you're lucky, you wont have to deal with me inflicting my boredom onto you any longer:)

Everything turns out ok in the end. If its not ok, its not the end.

(this is the end by the way)

the pheasants in my head | my little world

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