Saturday, Sept. 29, 2001
Went to Cambridge today. Looked at Trinity collegde. Oh my god, it was so unbelievably gorgeous! The town itself is so delightful! So pretty and historic with bookshops on every corner, and little cafe's and such interesting architecture!! It rained and was overcast all day, but it was still so lovely -and that's a good thing, right? Oh, if only i was clever enough to go to Cambridge...but oh well, never mind. My sister might get in (!) and then i can visit her there! I wouldn't particularly want to go to any Oxbridge type universities anyway. It would mean an awful lot of hard work all the time *gasp* and I do want to have at least a little bit of fun while at university!!!

I got my fairy back!! YAY!! I missed her, but she's back (thanks to lizzy's advice)Thanks liz!!

I'm in a really good mood. Lets hope it lasts. It's not an amazingly brilliant mood, but it's good enough, so i wont complain. *sings* Happiness, more or less, it's just a change in me, something in my liberty...

about laura | I feel like screaming but i don't know why.

did you miss?