about laura about laura

Wednesday, Sept. 26, 2001
ARGH!!! I wrote a really good entry, but managed to click on something and IT'S ALL GONE!!

SO, here we go again...the long awaited Laura entry...again...

Laura is the kewlest person to ever grace Southampton with her presence. She rocks in her rainbow coloured socks (and she has rainbow coloured socks, apparently) She is one of the best friends you could ask for. Always there for you; willing to listen to anything you want to moan about/laugh about/cry about/etc. Always knows what to say and how to make you feel better:) Shes very open and honest, funny and friendly, and generally a kick-ass friend:) I haven't seen her since the summer, and, before that, three years! Thankfully, we haven't grown apart, and hopefully, never will:) I've known her since i was three, and dont ever remember falling out with her. She's a lot like me (!) and I'll leave that to your personal opinion to whether thats a good thing or not!!!


Laura will go to the same university as ricardo, and they will meet and fall in love, etc, as mentioned in my ricardo entry. Her second love will also play an important role in her life...

I betcha wondering what that is...

it is...

wait for it...

keep waiting.....

almost there now...

MUSIC!! (yay!!)

During her uni days, she will meet a talented group of people, and they will form a kick-ass band. Starting off doing small gigs wherever they can, they gain recognition and a strong fan base, and get a record deal (yay!!)

Armed with her base guitar and beautiful voice, she (and her band) will take the world by storm!!

She eventually settles down, and does the whole "having children" thing". She doesn't, however, leave the music industry. She keeps moving with the times, and keeps churning out the records for decades, and will go down in history as one of the worlds greatest musicians...ever...(!)

autumn sunshine and my pink top:) | cambridge...wow

about laura
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