happy&smileyness...again happy&smileyness...again

Friday, Oct. 05, 2001
wow, third time this evening...this must stop. Right, i gotta sort out whatevers in my head. I am feeling better, actually, i'm not sure what did it, but whatever it is, i am thankful:) My head seems to be rested. Maybe its just hormones messing with my head, i dunno. i'm happy and smiley again:) It feels like a massive weight has just dissapered from around me! It was dragging me down, i could almost physically feel it! it was so weird, i hate being miserable. Maybe that's why i so rarely am! Like my subconscious just decided that i need a cheerful nature, just to keep me functioning correctly. Well, i dont know. I'm just happy, why should i explain it?

need to get some rest | nothing-ness

did you miss?