zzzz..... zzzz.....

Tuesday, Oct. 30, 2001
ugh...i feel so unbelievably awful.

got back from crete this morning. Flight was at 3am (greek time) Slept for about half an hour on the plane. Went to bed at 6.30 UK time, 8.30 greek time, and got up at 11.00a.m

I'm so tired, my head hurts, but I have lots of home ec & business studies and english coursework to do. So no school for me today.

Holiday was good, though.

Weather started off lovely...kinda deteriorated throught the week. Was pretty relaxing, (apart from when i was doing coursework)

I hope you didn't miss me too much :p

betcha bottom dollar that tomorrow there'll be sun | you let go, and I'll let go too..

did you miss?