high... high...

Monday, Nov. 19, 2001
Thanks to my wonderful matchmaking skills, Kiron and Tom are seeing each other on friday...

*sighs* Its sooo sweet!!

Apparently he has nice eyes. Known him for about 8 years yet I never noticed...

Kiron said I can be a bridesmaid at their wedding (if there happens to be a wedding)

I still intend to make sure Ricardo and Laura get married...

Have I not mentioned our rendezvous with laura?

I HAD THE BEST TIME!!!!!!!!!!!

Seriously, I haven't had that much fun in absolutely ages.

So vicki and I spent a couple of hours in my room trying on every combination of every dressy item of clothing I own, while moshing around in my underwear to Linkin Park (just for fun...)

Saw laura outside...massively massive hugs were in order...

Linked arms all the way to the restaurant, while talking, laughing, singing, "woah-ho-WOO!"-ing, and generally acting really high. Which continued pretty much all evening...Had a nice meal (Tom met Kiron) I was really hyper -to the extent that KC was convinced I had been drinking...

Someone else thought I had been smoking something...


anyways, afterwards we went back to Toms (well, me, emma, vicki and laura did) (and tom)

Bored now. Until I have something interesting to say, au revoir!

luv saz:)

Happyandsmiliness all around :-) | did I ever tell you I had a son?

did you miss?