Friday, Dec. 07, 2001

Well�drama performance yesterday. I felt really awful all day, and gave up on pretending to be happy&smiley. After school, when our drama teacher was making us put up the audience rostre thingy, the fish of joyfullness stole me away and tried to make me tell her what was going on cos �she hates seeing me down� At this point, I was on the verge of tears (not the first time that day) I told her that it was just lots of little things all building up that I had already told her about, but she was thought there had to be something else to upset me that much. We went into town later on (I was with my drama group) and we saw lizzy�s drama group, who abducted me..and I binged on a double chocolate muffin which I very badly needed, although ricardo had a go at me for binge-eating after we had watched a video about eating disorders in Home ec...

Performance went well. I don�t get nervous about performing �it was only in front of an audience of about 50. I love performing so much. I felt so at home onstage, and I�m really happy with the way I acted, I made my mum and my sister cry, as well as hannahs mum. I�m happy that I did myself justice anyway. I really want an A..really badly...

I_H_A_T_E_T_H_I_S | surrender


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