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Wednesday, Jun. 12, 2002
�And then I find you here; through your eyes, everything�s clear. And I�m home inside your arms...but I�m alone for now. Alone for now��

Tis a beautiful song. Hmm, everything is kinda weird at the moment. The country is football-obsessed, including our school, which appeared to start at half 9 this morning because of it. I even got up half an hour early to watch it! And isn�t it cool that the last world cup finalists didn�t make it past the first round! Yay! *does a little dance* I left the house with about 15 minutes left of the match �but ended up watching it on the big TV from the electrical shop next to the chippie with Vicki. We must have looked really weird: watching a shop window�Exams are fun, as you�d expect. I guess they�ve all been okish, except I know I struggle with sciences. Biology separate science today �and yup, she hadn�t taught us half of what was on the paper. Thankfully, there was an 11 mark question on something I taught myself last night (!) Met Vicki in Francesco�s afterwards, which was nice :-) Told her to ditch her bloke and stuff. Came home, and realised that I have about 8 exams left. Out of an origional 20 odd. So I�m over half way there �yay! A comforting thought if nothing else. And I never have to biology, maths, or german ever again!

So, enough about school. School is gay, if you excuse the expression. Someone said to me the other day that they don�t need anyone, as need is a strong word indicating �can't live without� sort of thing. They said need, and the �L� word are overused. I see this persons point �but almost entirely disagree. When you say you need someone �it doesn�t mean you have a physical dependancy on them, and your lungs stop functioning unless they are in a 5 meter radius so you suffocate to death without them. You can need people in terms of�without them, you�d be a mess. And I don�t think this is an exaggeration. I need some people to cheer me up, some to be there for me, some to keep me smiling, some to keep me sane, some to listen, some to understand, some to need me..etc. For example, if�jennyfish randomly decided she didn�t want to know me anymore -I�d lose my rock of stability, my calming influence who always talks sense when I need to hear it the most, be comepletely distraught, and the part of my character which she helped to shape would just..die. Similar situation with other people I need �with slight differences �but essentially I don�t think need is too strong a word. Same goes with love. Admittedly, it is often overused �but not by me. There are some people I will always care about no matter what as I know they are good people. And I have also learnt through my life experience that I am capable of doing this: i.e. �caring about people who don�t care about me anymore /forgiving people no matter what the circumstances / caring about people who do�bad things. In the same way you would always care about family no matter how much you can get on each others nerves. There is a point where friends become a sort of family. I know I have quite a dependant nature anyway, but to be brutally honest, I�m not even sure if still be here if it wasn�t for my friends. I�ve been down pretty far�and the main reason I could bounce back is because of those people in my life who helped me through it all. So in conclusion I think this person is mistaken.

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