a plan a plan

Tuesday, Apr. 15, 2003
So I had this rather crazy idea:

It involves broading out my future possibilities, mainly regarding degree courses, which expands out to universities and future careers etc.

I'm thinking of studying Italian as part of a joint honours with something else. Bear in mind i have no knowledge of Italian whatsoever.

But hey, it sounds like a laugh(!)

And I'd get to spend a year in Italy! Which sounds truly crazy. If i was fluent in a foreign language then I'd even have the possibility to work abroad. And I think i'd enjoy that. Ive never even been to Italy, but it looks gorgeous. I have such a strong desire to travel, absorbing different cultures and ways of life, so I think studying Italian would be something I'd enjoy. I dont have any A levels in any foreign languages though...but I have an A in German GCSE and apparently thats enough to show language learning ability!

Do you ever get the feeling that noone remembers you exist?

Maybe that's why i'm so keen to start again.

Pardon me while I burst into flames | starting again

a plan
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