What happened to Charlie? What happened to Charlie?

Monday, Jul. 07, 2003
You know what annoys me? That the damned TV people are forcing dawson and joey back together. Fills me with disgust. And you know what I hate the most? That there isn�t anyone that I�m even mildly as close to as that. I don�t care if it�s only television. The unreal forces you to remind yourself of your own personal failings.

And kazaa finally let me download that Craig David song that I admited to liking. Hopefully, it wont happen again.

Joey is so disgustingly pretty I swear she has to be evil. It's the only explanation.

I finished Brave New World and in my opinion, it sucks. No tension, no real character development, narrative technique on the whole bland and its not a real book. He came up with his satirical society and communicated it, just forgot everything else. I'm thinking I should paint my nails pink.

Joey and Pacey dammit.

Or I�ll have Pacey. As long as he gets rid of the facial hair.

mmm...wedding cake... | What you feel is what you are and what you are is beautiful

What happened to Charlie?
did you miss?