Party on the hill! Party on the hill!

Thursday, Aug. 14, 2003
Sooooooooo...there is the slightest possiblity that I am still drunk. Today will officially be known as the day we got drunk in the middle of the day, on a hill. And then the headmaster decided he wanted to walk his dog on that hill. My hands still smell of malibu.


Things are different when you get drunk in the day. Mainly because it's not dark. In the dark everything looks different and crazy. Like its easy to be under the impression that Tom Dommet's shadow is out to get you. When in the light...there arent really any shadows.

Anyway, we had a good reason for getting drunk in the day. AS results. Yes, an entire half of an A level. And I didn't screw them up. Yay for me.

A -Drama (thank fuck)

A -Business Studies (I'm as shocked as you are..)

B -English Lit. (I have always, ALWAYS got B's in every essay I ever write)

C -History (which I'm dropping anyway)

So I guess the waking up at half 7 every morning during half term and reading my business studies textbook for two hours before anyone else was even awake, paid off.

I'm so relieved. God bless Malibu.

in unbroken virgin realities | would you burn up before the water filled your lungs?

Party on the hill!
did you miss?