Those words at best were worse than teenage poetry Those words at best were worse than teenage poetry

Monday, Nov. 03, 2003
Human nature tends to crave beauty and truth, in all its different forms. We make our own beauty. Write our own truth. I can make my own history. All in search of beauty.

If you can justify this to yourself, then that is all I ask.

I'm looking for the words I want to become. Defining my boundaries, setting my limits.Always breaking the limits. How else can I grow? I can't do it alone. I don't live in isolation.

I wish you could see without being blinded.

I'm reaching for the words that can tie up loose ends. Always leave a few untied, who knows when you'll return. Leave everything open.

Don't expect the world to be on your side. Don't forget that maybe love is the reason why.

Everyone I get to know gives me new insight on myself. This is why I can't discover it alone.

My door is always open

I don't like this entry. I let the words speak on my behalf, whatever theyre trying to say.

midgets and theatre... | voices

Those words at best were worse than teenage poetry
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