Saturday, Nov. 15, 2003
Yes I was the pink dancing (twirling) fairy. Now that was fun...even if I had have to have people holding me up all evening. And I got over any hang-ups about my costume being mostly transparent by the reasoning that "noone can see in he dark." Still trying to figure out how to get the overpowering stench of smoke out of Gabby's tutu.

Sophs giggled at me for a good minute and a half when I saw her today.

I have so much work to do that I haven't even bothered to do any of it. No the wisest of plans. Working tomorrow. Don't make me go.

Everyone go check out my side project, that came about as Adam and I decided to make the random poetry a daily thing (see previous entry.)

My nails are still pink. I have a bruise on my knee (I think) from where I fell on kate...

random poetry | \"Does he taste of Honey?\"


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