this is a lesson in procrastination this is a lesson in procrastination

Wednesday, Dec. 03, 2003
Someone (apparently wise) once said that to sort out your life, you must begin by sorting out your room. From here, all else will follow. It may have been my mother. Anyway, I am a firm believer that it holds true, so as I feel it all slowly creeping out of control, I did the wise thing and decided it was time I saw my carpet again.

My entire floor was lined with paper. That�s my filing system due to a lack of�files.

They had started out as organised-ish piles. Honest.

Found myself some unused ring binders and now I can�t see the paper anymore. I feel better already.

Although to be honest, I think it�s just a method of procrastination, which I could probably do a degree in. Damned English coursework�

Just like eyebrow-plucking. That is my favourite time waster. So much satisfaction to be had. So fulfilling. Requires concentration without ANY THOUGHT whatsoever. I swear you can tell whenever I have a lot of work to do by the state of my eyebrows.

Moving on from eyebrows (and my fans suddenly decided to run away�) to advent calendars. I have one, which is amazing. And it�s pink which is more amazing. But that�s not really what I wanted to talk about. It�s not called an advent calendar anymore. It�s now a �New Year Countdown Calendar.� I�m sure you have noticed that since the millennium, this is the new thing. Now, I�m not a Christian, nor do I believe in religion in general, but to me that is sad. They don�t even pretend it has anything to do with Christmas anymore. It�s just..litterally..blatantly�a commercial concept where people feel compelled to open a window revealing a small chocolate (which no longer have Christmassy picatures behind them!) but NUMBERS(!) purely out of habbit and ritual.

Capitalism is the new Christianity. What hope do we have left?

guilt beats hate and you turn it all around | \"...and chased a wild boar/Cos she's so hardcore..\"

this is a lesson in procrastination
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