fighting starlight fighting starlight

Saturday, Dec. 27, 2003
Feel really out of it today, not sure why, I don�t think I�m awake somehow.

I think I spend too long analysing and agonising over what I really want, when really it makes no difference, they can never be mine anyway.

Maybe that�s why I think I want them.

You swing and you miss and I miss the way things used to be.

Maybe I�m just too hard on myself. The world is my oyster�isn�t it?

Feel so frustrated, frustrated and sick, miserable

Late night and you�re driving me crazy

Who am I to be dissatisfied? Who am I to complain? I�m the girl who has everything; everything yet remains just a girl, nothing ever changes and I never seem to grow. Maybe I�m afraid. Someone once told me I was afraid. I shot them down.


If only I could reach out and make a difference, take a leap of faith, make myself somehow, but it�s not really about courage. Something to do with a compulsive need to know what the right thing is, but isn�t making mistakes the only way to learn?

I am taking risks. Some huge risks I may regret for the rest of my life. Be proud that I am making them.

Wait 'till you find this ain't the life you want to lead

\"...and chased a wild boar/Cos she's so hardcore..\" | something about...boxes

fighting starlight
did you miss?