ain't no room for my helium balloons ain't no room for my helium balloons

Friday, Jan. 09, 2004
So there I was thinking my english exam was on tuesday. Preceeded by a business studies retake on monday. Oh how I panicked this morning. Much running around like a headless chicken as I'm sure you can image.

So I got up...around 9. So tired for some reason. Decided to make a start on my panic-reading of a study guide to Othello, just to break myself in gently (I also have about 4 other books of critical essays...)

...And I fell alseep. Realised this probably wasn't a good thing.

Woke myself up with food and a change of clothes (don't ask, it just felt necessary) and then Richy made my day.

"The exam is NEXT monday. Not this tuesday."

I can be a fool sometimes. Never mind. No harm done. All bow down to richy. So back to pretending to revise for Business studies while actually listening to Coheed and Cambria and updating the funness of my diary. Shh. Noone needs to know.

Kate doesn't have a soundcard (I think she needed another mention.) I assure you this has nothing to do with me having stolen her soul. I gave it back.

It's really hard to download Dum Dums songs but it feels necessary (I blame lizzy) it reminds me of vicks. And the days we wasted, the home ec lessons we giggled though and the physics lessons we sang through.

"I don't want to go to jail/And get my butt-raped by an ape/by mistake/On our first date and catch aids"

I mean come on, blatantly words from a genius.

I'm sorry, you can tell I'm just procrastinating here. That's what an online diary is for..isn't it?

And chris confirms I was right about the helium balloons which makes me not crazy. yay. Actually I can be crazy anyway, but shhh.

You are going to marry Ashton Kutcher. He is kind
and sweet, but pulls a lot of pranks (and
probably quite a few on you too!!)and can
always make you laugh. Congrats!!

Which male celebrity are you going to marry? (10 results that have pics!)
brought to you by Quizilla

I use the word \"meh\" and talk about dice as a metaphor | warwick want me!

ain't no room for my helium balloons
did you miss?