I use the word I use the word

Tuesday, Jan. 06, 2004
Due to popular demand, the cursor thingy is back. Won't work on the pink or on the image, so you will have to entertain yourself by watching the cursor dance over the blueness. It's the best I can do.

I also want to make the brand new lyrics over here---->
into links. I just need stuff to link. Give me ideas kids.

Sophs and I have been reminiscing. The days when everything was simple, new, shiny, and anything seemed possible. A whole year ago. Seems more like a lifetime.

I am trying to bring kate over to the dark side....

Hehe. Her soul is mine.

I have had mixed reactions to this new look crazy diary. The standard male reaction is "I want to throw up now" and the standard female is "awww..so pretty." I guess the old was less offensive and vomit-inducing but was temperamental and so...meh. You WILL get to like it.

I will also win the note war because I am that cool.

I have my first exam Thursday. Grr. Haven't done any revision so tomorrow I am taking self imposed study leave. 120 marks up for grabs. It's so much like a game; the risk and the chance involved is like throwing dice.

yes that is girl taking off her kit off. Be not afraid. | ain't no room for my helium balloons

I use the word
did you miss?