late night and you're driving me crazy late night and you're driving me crazy

Thursday, Sept. 02, 2004
it's funny how music only means anything when associated with other things. Well, for me anyway.

Music means memories.

Maybe music is all about getting nostalgic and we love the warm fuzzy feeling, combined with the occasional bitter and angsty feelings we are reminded of.

And it all makes us feel something, and feeling something helps to remind us we're alive.

We only ever want to feel more alive.

SO you can say you love the riffs, the lyrics, the layering of instrumentals, whatever. You love it as it reminds you of..last summer. A night out. Or "Someone". Admit it. That's why we end up liking even really bad stuff...for the memories.

I think perhaps I'm cutting away at loose ends. Forget tieing them. I don't know where that's getting me.

And I don't know where I'll end up.

Cynicism and bitterness are perhaps the easier option in many cases. It makes you feel less.'d at least be a chapter titled \"One not to forget\" | grazed knees

late night and you're driving me crazy
did you miss?