i'll be home to say i love you and i'll be moving on i'll be home to say i love you and i'll be moving on

Friday, Sept. 24, 2004
I went to see The (fuckin) Used on Monday, with Hannah, Adam and Rich. And despite their over(fuckin)use of the term�(fuckin)� they were actually pretty (fuckin) good despite some of the (fuckin) fans being a bunch of (fuckers) (how American does that sound?! No one here calls anyone a �fucker��surely)

Anyway, earlier that day I passed my driving test. Possibly one of the life-definingly-stressful-tests I have ever encountered, including my A level exams(!!) and every drama performance I have ever taken. Yes, perhaps I needed a little perspective (surely A levels were a bigger deal?) But the exam stress was nothing compared to that. In fact, I�m not really the exam-stressy type.

Perhaps because it�s practical (like drama performance exams) and I had to wait 4 months for a 40 min test, and if I failed, that�s another 4 months before I can retake. And I would have had no practice in between, and lost all confidence and enthusiasm�you know the feeling.
So that makes me the first in my family to pass first time!! Yet I am still not allowed to go driving solo�

I got 9 minors, some of which were stupid, for example, I was so nervous I occasionally put the gear stick in the wrong place�.which is just stupid. I never do that. But anyway. I passed. :D

Today is my last full day at home. Until around Christmas time. Crazy.

Last night was my last night out with the elite-hardcore-Marlow-crew, and it occurred to me I hadn�t said goodbye to anyone who has left already, people who I�ll probably miss the most. I decided tis probably the best plan. I hate goodbyes more than anything, easier to just pretend that I�ll see them again soon.

It STILL hasn�t dawned on me that I�m leaving.

I�m leaving.

I can say it as many times as I like, but I wont feel it. Perhaps two weeks from now I�ll be sitting in my student room (possibly paralysed from excessive alcohol intake during �Fresher�s Fortnight�) and then I�ll realise that this is it. No going back.

Until Christmas as least.

I have to learn to feed myself. And organise myself. And get up for 9am lectures. And do work for the first time in years almost. (I don�t really consider A-levels to have been work; all we ever did was sit around playing cards and the odd bit of coursework!)

I�ve packed a suitcase full of clothes and my CDs, jewellery, cosmetics type stuff. And bags, and coat hangers. And underwear. Right. What else do I need?

I shall catch up with you kids once I have set up my computer at Warwick�methinks I shall have to sweet talk someone to do that for me�.

this life is more than ordinary | now i'm loused

i'll be home to say i love you and i'll be moving on
did you miss?