hey! is that a ninja up there? hey! is that a ninja up there?

Monday, Oct. 18, 2004
so going home on friday.

Probably seeing Minus The Bear with my favourite emo kids on thursday, in Birmingham, which sounds like a mildly scary adventure to do alone, but I'm sure i shall manage and it shall be worth it!

7 hours of lectures tomorrow...lamecore.

Just watched Troy. All on my lonesome. mer.

And rachel had chocolate cake :-D which was the best thing i have eaten in so so so so long.

Although I have been eating pretty well.
I went to the gym today. And I made Matt put my handbag in a locker with his stuff, so he had to walk around the men's changing room with it :-) these things amuse me.

I'm going home to say goodbye to my parents, which sounds crazy, and it feel's crazy. It's not something I want to have to think about really. Perhaps it's For The Best and perhaps it'll all be fine In The Long Term, but Perhaps has never led to very much in the past, and Perhaps this time wont be any different.
Just more distance, half a world away.
And I'm scared as hell.
And we'll all be so far apart.
Still, we'll have our network. And maybe I wont feel so alone.

need you like water in my lungs | and then we all bought yachts

hey! is that a ninja up there?
did you miss?