and every face I saw was the same face and every face I saw was the same face

Friday, Sept. 16, 2005
I'm sorry I don't want to die. Do you still want to die? Let's get it on.

Significant films. Have you ever watched a movie and felt like it changed your life?

One for me. One springs to mind. Lost in Translation.
By the end (or probably before) I was in floods of tears (is it really that unhappy a film?) and decided I needed to break up with my then-boyfriend.
This was March.
I think it highlighted something so deep inside me I was trying to ignore or distract myself from.
The fact I was utterly lonely.
It wasn�t just the overall messages in the film or a general undertone. There were moments, images, silences, that somehow broke my heart.
I gave it up in a split second to give my heart to someone else. Who somehow it never quite got to, but that's another story.

I don't know if it had something to do with my mental/emotional state at the time, maybe it was a bomb waiting to explode...but I still maintain that I'm pretty sure it was the film.

I should watch it again, because I don�t 100% remember really much of what went on in the film. I think I was too wrapped up in myself.

I just watched Garden State, and I�m so in love with Natalie Portmans character. Just because she is adorable, not because I want to sleep with her...

the moon is so full it's setting the stars all on fire | prende mi adesso

and every face I saw was the same face
did you miss?