autumn sunshine and my pink top:) autumn sunshine and my pink top:)

Tuesday, Sept. 25, 2001
Hello again everyone. Half day today!! YAY!! Not sure why it's called a half-day -its more like a three-quater-day, seeing as we had 6 out the 8 periods we normally have. All thanks to our school open day:) Soon, the hell-like place we call school will be filled with innocent children, all eagerly anticipating the day when THEY might be lucky enough to be a student confined within the many walls that our respectable school lays claim to.

Well, anyway, here I am...all alone in this big house. On my way home, i was almost fooled into thinking the sun has not abandoned us completely! I love autumn-sunshine! It is a lovely day today, but i wont bore you will details about the weather. But i will say I have not missed this oppertunity to wear my lovely pastel-pink top:)*tries to remember what pastel pink is* Well, its a really nice shade of pink, anyway.

I decided to do the whole diaryring-thing. Might as well. I have lots of pretty stuff on my page now. And a counter:) And now i must take a shower, and then learn something for drama. Shouldn't take me too long anyway. Have tomorrow off school (yay!) but have to stay at home:( My darling mother thinks that my cold (which is almost better) might get worse, and then take months to go away or something, if i go out on this ONE occasion. hhmm...well..knowing my luck, she's probably right! But it does mean i have one boring day tomorrow! Oh well...i guess i can write an entry about laura, seeing as i have to do her next! *cheers up*

Much love to you all -saz:)

yay for me :) | about laura

autumn sunshine and my pink top:)
did you miss?