yeah, well... yeah, well...

Friday, Oct. 12, 2001
Had a mildly energetic day today.

Lotsa dancing and prancing and acting and equally fun stuff.

I was soooooooo hot after walking home after dancing, i felt the need to rip my clothes off as soon as i entered the house! (i was unbuttoning my shirt as i was climbing the stairs)

Suddenly felt cold after lying (pretty much dead)in my underwear for about an hour.

Decided to put some clothes on after that.

I feel sooo full...eaten way too much. I should really be sitting down...but i sure as hell don't feel like moving!

I really should do some work shouldn't I?

Who am I kidding, as if that's going to happen!

Its amazing how much The Simpsons comes on.

Double episodes on BBC2, doubles on Sky One...but am i complaining? hell no!

dancing dolly | ooh..sunshine

yeah, well...
did you miss?