ooh..sunshine ooh..sunshine

Saturday, Oct. 13, 2001

I just typed up this rather pointless questionnaire on Teenage Eating Habbit's for Home Ec...now to find some victims, I mean, volenteers to inflict it upon...

I really cant be arsed to go anywhere or do anything today. Going to my uncles house later (so for my msn pals who will be deprived of my presence, that's where I am.) Probably end up just sitting in front of the telly for god knows how long...

Laura sent me the freakiest email last night. For some reason, she randomly decided to re-introduce something we used to do about 4 years ago, when she was still gracing Marlow with her presence. We used to tell one-paragraph stories, usually very kinky and bizarre, where the next person carries it on. We even came up with our own vocabulary for these stories, so that anyone who was listening would be very very confused...

Yeah well, she sent me the first paragraph of a story via email, and it took me a while to work out what it was about..until it clicked. You bring back many memories of "the good old days" girlie!

(We really need to meet up again soon. Are you coming down for Vicki's New Years Party?)

Anyways, I must leave you now, please don't miss me tooo much! Don't cry! I know it's tough...

ooh..sunshine :-)

yeah, well... | yesterday's ramblings

did you miss?