anyone got a rubber? anyone got a rubber?

Friday, Nov. 16, 2001
from the moment I wake to the moment I sleep I'll be there by your side, just you try and stop me

Today was kinda fun. Kinda cold but kinda fun.

Being Friday, meaning it's one day left until Saturday, which is when I can see Laura -yay!

I made my friend Lynsey cry today.

It was so cool.

(You may like to know it was a drama rehearsal, and we were rehearsing a scene where I talk about how my son died, and she was so moved and touched by my acting(!) she actually cried, even though she knew exactly what I was going to say anyway!)

It's the ultimate compliment :-)

I wish my acting could make more people cry. I made an examiner cry once, she was so moved by my "Anne Frank" piece, maybe that's why I passed with Honours...

When we perform this on the 6th December (be there!!! Drama studio, 7.30) it would make me so happy to make the audience cry. Twisted it may sound, but I'm sure you understand.

I'm tired. Had to get up early this morning after going to bed late last night. Saw "An Inspector Calls" last night, was quite good but would have enjoyed it more if I hadn't know absolutely everything that was going to happen...

This morning, remembered had some Home Ec coursework to finish off..just mainly a contents page, but with the amazingly annoying auto-format thingy on word, which means it takes absolutely ages, as it keeps trying 2 help in ways I dont want it to! At one point gave up, when my dad insisted he do it for me, even though I was already late. He encountered the same difficulties as me, and it took forever! Eventaully left the house (2 mins after school started) but my dad gave me a lift (yay!) so I was only 10 mins late.

I didn't even hand it in until the end of the day anyway! I spent the whole apres-PE lesson begging everyone in the girls changing room for a rubber, so I could rub out all my old page numbers. Jo made some crappy pun about condoms (haha..) but I eventually found one and handed it in afterschool.

Seemed kinda pointless really.

Have written lots.


luv you much


H-E-L-P-M-E-P-L-E-A-S-E | Happyandsmiliness all around :-)

anyone got a rubber?
did you miss?