attack of the aliens, unfatty's and the red bugs attack of the aliens, unfatty's and the red bugs

Sunday, Jul. 28, 2002
Hello my lovelies!! I am back and alive and well and darker and a-few-pounds-heavier-than-before but never mind!! Holiday was nice, very relaxing and my family did not kill each other!! wow! Although now we have waaaaaaay to many stupid in-jokes and parodies of songs and stuff for our own good. Have the strong urge to talk to anyone who isnt a blood relative. Returned last night after having packed the car with my sister when my mum volenteered to do it (its unbelievably stressfull)

During the holiday i was constantly under attack from numberous unidentified red bugs, forced to eat vast amounts of dessert...forced to jog(!) but that only lasted about 4 days till i got a cold and felt shitty every morning...i was exiled to sleep in the living room as otherwise myself and 2 sisters would have had to all sleep in a room smaller than our garden shed...forced to chase my little sister around the campsite while she was on a bike. Which was fun. My parents took to catching crabs at the beach (a fun new holiday activity.) It was nice to not have to make my bed before i went to sleep last night!

Only one answering machine appears either everyone was well informed of our absence, or we are unloved. Although, duncans number was stored on our 1471 (ive just read an email from him and he thought i was returning on friday...which explains it.) I feel somewhat shitty (horrific-traumatic-tear-inducing-pain-known-as-PMS) yet I'm all happy which is such a weird state of being that i shall leave you pondering

(to the tune of Noddy, lyrics caused by my dads use of the word "fatty" in a game of Scrabble)


The chubby man in the red and yellow car (ding ding ding ding!)


Hes not just fat -he is the fattiest little fellow in all Toyland!

He's fatter than Big Ears and Mr Plod, who are all of his special friends....

OK, i'll sarika xxx

Pretty Sunset | under the bridge

attack of the aliens, unfatty's and the red bugs
did you miss?