under the bridge under the bridge

Thursday, Aug. 01, 2002
Sometimes i feel like i dont have a partner. Sometimes I feel like my only friend -is the city I live in, the city of Angels? Lonely as I am, together we cry...

hmmm...ih a slightly dreamy mood today. Not-very-entirely-with-it-but-alive-so-hey! Had a very disturbing dream last night about one of my friends being dragged out of a lake (with ice floating on top of it) and they came out blue and looking dead and stuff..wasnt pleasant. Although makes me wonder how they are...

Do you ever feel like you dont really know where you are? Like the days ae dragging on without any purpose and in this time you have achived nothing, and it feels like you're just constantly wasting time? You start to wonder what really matters and what doesnt, and wheather anything really matters, or wheather you shouldnt really be trying to work it out cos everything will be revealed at some point?

attack of the aliens, unfatty's and the red bugs | feeder is my only company...ooh, i'm hungry...

under the bridge
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