I don't know if I care (i'm the jerk) Life's not fair I don't know if I care (i'm the jerk) Life's not fair

Sunday, Aug. 11, 2002
I'm sending all my love to Laura and her friends right now, as they have just lost a friend. I hope you can help each other through it, and come out ok. Love you lots, laurs *sends hugs*...

Yesterday morning, my mum came into my room while I was sleeping(ish) cos she hadn't slept much the night before, so was trying out each of our beds in turn..she progressed to a big "life advice in case i die" chat. She put her arms around me and said I was her baby-all-grown-up...said that we all had to be there for each other, and not get upset if she dies. Said i should learn to use the VCR and the washing machine and not get pregnant, and keep an eye on drinks at parties in case it gets spiked, and at one point i just started giggling as it seemed so ridiculous, although to be honest i was keeping my eyes closed so she couldnt see me crying.

I've been pretty busy lately. I've been on my feet all day, cleaning the whole damn house, and then spent 20 mins on the treadmill, followed by cooking/cleaning some more all afternoon. Just hope I burnt some calories in the process(!)

My mum goes to hospital tomorrow. Duncan and Jen went on holiday yesterday. Laura and Tom will be away in France soon as well. I feel somewhat abandoned...Hope everyone will be ok (especially you, laura) Take care everyone

seven reasons to smile | things to do: 1) put out washing 2)make lunch..

I don't know if I care (i'm the jerk) Life's not fair
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