mr barrat in his blurry form..! mr barrat in his blurry form..!

Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2002
Today was kinda funny and kinda scary in a weird and painful way...I had the intellegence to OD on paracetamol (just one more than i'm meant to have..)I spent most of lunchtime lying on the ground infront of the bench, as i had been lying ON the bench but people wanted to sit drama Mr Barrat went a tad blurry..! and i felt pretty lightheaded..Ah well, the pain went away! And lynseys chocolate balanced out the effects...(sugar is the universal healer)

And it dad make the pain go away pretty effiencently!

So that was about as exciting as it got..

I don't want to be adored for what I merely represent to you... | and then there were four...

mr barrat in his blurry form..!
did you miss?