Inarticulate Inarticulate

Wednesday, Jul. 23, 2003
Playing housewife -keeps me busy and out of trouble.

I felt like something resembling a single mother today.

Need better ways to pass the time.

Tired. Drunk. Angry. Silent. Passive. Lonely. Isolated. Floundering. Useless. Thoughtless. Shoeless. Darkness. Acidic. Bitter. Bitten. Icy. Aloof. Reserved. Distant. Indifferent. Bewildered. Distracted. Disconcerted. Insatiable. Resentful. Hopeless. Withdrawn. Jaded.

Word association is indeed fun, as I'm sure Regz can confirm.

What am I doing?

Your story intemingled with You will be outside. | \"Let you kiss my hand, and next thing I know, you'll be after my elbow, then my shoulder..\"

did you miss?