Friday, Jul. 25, 2003
argh. I just wrote an entire entry and now it's gone. Bugger.

I've been trying to read Chekhov's "The Cherry Orchard" but its mildly confusing. Mainly the elaborate Russian names. Take Ranyevskaya for example. Imagine if you were studying the play and had to write an essay on how you would direct the role of Ranyevskaya, imagine how many times youd have to write her name. It's crazyness. And mildly amusingly cool. I'd marry a Russian just for a cool surname...

I've also been trying to get my teeth into some war poetry from WWI. By "getting my teeth into" I actually mean "having a cautious nibble" at it. At the moment, I find the naievety and innocence touching and the realisation of death and it's harsh brutality, an interesting insight.

�there�s some corner of a foreign field /That is forever England.�

Patriotism annoys me, however.

But the book has pictures on every other page, so I'm happy. All books should have pictures.

I've also discovered a whole hour of Garfield and Friends every morning from 10-11. My life is complete.

Inarticulate | if you go down to the woods today, you're sure of a big suprise...


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