deja vous? deja vous?

Monday, Mar. 08, 2004
I came across this saved on my computer. From last year, 5th June. Amused me to read it again, so now you can all share the fun. and I did it again, just for fun


Been so drunk you passed out? nope. But ive fallen over lots! and gone verrry sleepy...

yeah I am a sensible drunk :p I stop drinking when I know I'm really gone...

Put a body part on fire for amusement? oh, regularly

Been hurt emotionally? i suppose.

Kept a secret from everyone? i dont know, i'm a fairly open person. But probably.

so in short, yes

Had an imaginary friend? no, although it kinda sounds like fun

Wanted to hook up with a friend? not recently

Cried during a movie? I'm terrible. I always cry.

Had a crush on a teacher? i draw the line at goldfish

Thought an animated character was hot? i seem to recall a really twisted conversation with tom methven about that in business studies lessons of the past, but you dont need to know the details...

Been on stage? crazily enough, i have!

Cut your own hair? never *shudders*

I am currently still firmly against getting my hair cut by anyone. It wants to be freeeeeeee..

Are you crazy? quite possibly

but not crazy enough to cut my own hair


>Shampoo/conditioner? hmmm... herbal essence stuff is good. The women in the ads always seem to have orgasms when the use it...maybe i should write a letter of complaint..

right now I am all out of herbal essence shampoo but I am loving pantene

Hair Colour? my favourite? what kind of question is that?

Summer/Winter? summer. Winter depresses me.

Chris and I have come to the conclusion that we need sunshine to be smiley. We have that thing...whatever it's called...and Chris is considering getting a bulb for his room to overcome it. sounds crazy

Cartoon character? garfield. He is my role model.

eat/sleep/eat more -sounds good to me

Fave Food?i would say chocolate, but its realllllllly bad. (But its sooo good!) but its bad!! argh!!Control yourself sarika... *slaps self on the wrist*

I have now discovered the joys of eating posh chocolates. It makes me feel all sophisticated. I�m thinking maybe I have a problem.

Fave movie? possibly an Italian film called La Vida e Belle (i think that�s how its spelt) Another one was the one where nicole kidman wore a fake nose...about a suicide? Virginia Woolf? what was it called....The Hours!

Fave Ice Cream?

ben and jerrys goes down very well...NO! STOP THINKING ABOUT JUNK FOOD! *slaps self again*

right now I am eating apple pie. gawd�I will have to be cut out of my clothes soon enough�

Fave drink? Malibu...mmm...


Fave Person to talk to on-line? You, obviously.

see? I�m a diplomat

------------------RIGHT NOW------------------

Wearing? baggy beige trousers that are too small for my mum, so i have aquired, which are very comfortable..and my black H&M top from germany which hannah knows lots about!

and right now it�s pink trousers, pink cardigan and a black top. And my hair is in very girly bunches.

My mother told me I was pretty.

I'm feeling? dazed, content, pensive, empty, in love with everything and nothing in particular

just empty I guess. Today, not just because I am hungry. Oh no. Not after the apple pie.

Drinking? nothing

Thinking about? leprechauns


And Listening to? REM -at my most beautiful


Talking to? kinda talking to Lynsey, except im too busy doing this. Poor lynsey...

dan. mr lower case.

Watching? the leprechauns tempt me with their promises of happiness and joy if I join their dance...

I think the pixies are getting it on�

------------------IN THE LAST 24HOURS------------------

Cried? only an ickle bit.

*checks watch* hmm�I think it just escapes the 24 hours. So no. yay.

Worn a skirt?yes


Met someone new? I met someone old. Someone i hated 13 years ago and kinda had a crush on 5 years ago. So that was fun.

I wish I could remember who I was referring to. Oh wait�now I remember� But this time I have met no one new

Cleaned your room? I purged it of history


>Done Laundry? nope

If ironing counts

>------------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN

Yourself? depends. Sometimes i do, in some contexts.

I try

Your friends?

i have a lot of faith in people. Naive tendancies i guess

ah I�m so�witty?

>Tooth Fairy?

no, i stopped believing after doing a *test* on my parents, to see if the toothfairy would come if i didnt tell them a tooth had fallen out. And it didnt So that was me disillusioned

now that story just makes me sad

Fate? Adam and i had a weird conversation about that. It's still beyond my comprehension. Whatever exists, it�s not our place to question it.


Angels? It would be nice to think so. But i'm too much of a cynic.

Ghosts? where!?! *hides under a chair*

who you gonna call? The �busters, dude

UFO's? for us to be the only living beings in the universe sounds incomprehensible.

-----------------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------

Do you fancy anyone?

I've been accused of flirting with a work colleague last week. Not that I'd ever do anything like that I'm a good girl... And i think it was bordom induced. And the other guy (the accuser) was clearly just jealous...

the strange thing is�yesterday I was asked, (in reference to the same person as last year) if the rumours (which they had started) were true about us secretly dating for 6 months�

If You had to go out with a boy/girl at your school/uni who would it

be? mr shannon

yeah baby

Who have you known the longest of your friends? Laura cole.Of those i see on a regular basis, sarah sparks!

Who's the loudest? fish


Who's the shyest? sammy

(I wouldn�t say sammy is that shy. Although he seemed it when I first met him. Adam Holloway

Who's the weirdest? god, theyre all weird. If theyre weren't i probably wouldnt like them so much.

Who do you go to for advice?oohh that depends on who's around. When i get all emotional i cant think properly and i can get somewhat irrational, so people who can think objectively and who are neutral are best.

What's the best feeling in the world? feeling you�re not worthless

when you know you�re not alone

What's the worst feeling? right now, one of them tends to be "what if my mum doesnt live to see my children?"

I guess that takes the cake doesn�t it?

Who will respond to this email the fastest?


Okay so now this isn�t an email. But I want you whores to do it and post it on your place of preference or whatever

What you going to do now? Read An Actor Prepares which just makes me think i'm shit at acting.

Now I shall post it on the diary of sarikaness. And then plan my world domination through running off with the pixies.

me and my boyband voice are gonna take over the world | get your hand off my leg before I catch your herpes

deja vous?
did you miss?