get your hand off my leg before I catch your herpes get your hand off my leg before I catch your herpes

Wednesday, Mar. 10, 2004
So drama fun tonight. By that I mean possibly the last performance I'll do, excluding the exam performance tomorrow during school. Which is pretty sad I guess; I love performing when I get it right.

Last year, I didn't get it right. I got a high B but I thought my performance sucked. Partly because my character was too close to myself.

This time I will not suck.

Tonight is for all the times I didn't pull it off, tonight I will do myself justice.

Well, that's the plan anyway.

My mum is in hospital again. Was informed of this during business fun, where I had no idea what was happening and that freaked me out. They told her to come in straight away and they will do an angiogram as soon as her blood levels are all safe and good. May be a clot of some sort or something, we don't know. Strong sense of "and here we go again." I'm sick of doing this over and over again and I don't know why it doesn't get any easier.

But I miss her already.

And she'll miss my performance tonight.

I don't know who is coming tonight.

Exam result's tomorrow.

Mind over matter -that's what they say. Just let it all go.

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get your hand off my leg before I catch your herpes
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