you are beautiful but you don't mean a thing to me you are beautiful but you don't mean a thing to me

Thursday, Apr. 15, 2004
You didn't think I would forget, did you?

My neck/shoulders are all achey. Meh.Trying to give myself a single-handed massage and it's not entirely working, also making typing that little bit harder.

So let's abandon that great plan shall we?

I think today felt like a view into things to come, if that makes sense. When you see things the way they might end up, even just a few months down the line.

A few months. April already.

But then, it feel�s it. It�s taken its time. And no, I don�t think I want the time back, I�m ready to move on.

Just not sure if I�m ready to let go.

I was thinking about my family today. I guess they are everything a family should be. They make me feel like I belong somewhere, which is strangely important. Even when I feel isolated, like I don�t fit in anywhere, or when I feel really antisocial and lock myself away, I like to have them around. Just to hear voices in another room, or giggling over something stupid and random; that�s when I know I�m not alone. We�re all a little bit crazy.

I wish I could be there, just for you.

I didn't want it to mean that much to me | this is fact not fiction for the first time in years

you are beautiful but you don't mean a thing to me
did you miss?