The clock tower is pink. Long live the pink clock tower. The clock tower is pink. Long live the pink clock tower.

Monday, May. 17, 2004
There�s something very distinctive about being on �study leave� that makes it different from �the holidays.�

I spent this morning/afternoon sitting outside reading in the sunshine, with nothing but the sound of birds to distract me. (Ooh and I have a tan to show for it. Not that I need one. Nevermind. Besides the point�) Anyways, if I did this during normal holidays�there would be children. Hundreds of them. Small and loud, (normally the smaller, the louder,) to the extent I can't sit in my own bedroom and open my window, as they�re that loud.

It�s the lack of children.

During half term last year, the only time I could work was by waking up 2 hours earlier than everyone else.

Walking through the high street, baking sunshine, and somehow it�s peaceful. Why? The kids are at school. I feel like an elite member of the club of people who aren�t obligated to go to school.

I could do with some ice cream.

It feels strange already. I start to wonder whether I took it all for granted, constantly being around people who accept me for being exactly the way I am, and think nothing more of it.

I don�t intend to lose them; I just wonder where I�ll find myself some more. And how I�ll handle the process.

I wouldn�t change for anyone

chloroform perfume | why not try and make yourself

The clock tower is pink. Long live the pink clock tower.
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