everyone's caught on to everything you do everyone's caught on to everything you do

Thursday, Aug. 12, 2004
So I figured, we�ve been home for 5 months now. By that I mean not going to school on a regular basis. In fact, since mid may, I went in for 3 exams plus book returning I think. And once with Liz involving us carrying an OHP but never mind. This is all beside the point. Which I haven�t got to yet.

We�ve been home 3 months so by now, I guess I�ve started to figure a) which people seem to want to see me b) which don�t seem to want to make the effort c) which by external circumstances I haven�t seen but would like to etc. And all working the other way around.

I�m still not entirely sure what I�m left with. And I�m not sure that I�m happy about it. A sign of things to come, most definitely.

People have started to talk. Things have been arriving in the post. Tensions are mounting almost. You know what I�m talking about. A week today.

I�m feeling frustrated already. And I�m afraid of being disappointed by the change that I seem to want so much.

I've been listening to crap music for fun. and singing really loudly.

I typed seventy times 7 into google out of bordom. And it told me:

seventy times 7 = four hundred ninety

-which I didn't want to know, but ok. Google get's too clever for it's own good sometimes. (Only you brand new kids will understand.)

Frustrated by routine again. And an indefinable isolation.

Maybe I always will be. Maybe I inflict it on myself.

I don�t even know what I�m talking about, but I feel it.

night has fallen down the staircase | ...you'd at least be a chapter titled \"One not to forget\"

everyone's caught on to everything you do
did you miss?