It's the best I've got to get your attention It's the best I've got to get your attention

Sunday, Oct. 31, 2004
Frustrated by routine again. And an indefinable isolation.

Maybe I always will be. Maybe I inflict it on myself.

I don�t even know what I�m talking about, but I feel it.

Now I know what I was talking about.
You never leave anything behind, you can�t just let it alone; leave loose ends untied and pretend they don�t exist, because somehow it�s part of who you are. And therefore they follow you.
You can�t just up and leave and expect things will be different somewhere else. They might be, to an extent, but let�s be honest here.

Everything is our own fault, deep down.

That�s why I never believed in self pity.
It�s almost like believing in fate, although I don�t believe in fate. But your personality defines what sort of life you will live, and how you feel, rather than the effect of others around you. But then others around you can affect your personality�.
Depending on how impressionable you might be.

It�s funny how much you learn about yourself.

Now what to do about it.

I still don�t know what I want. You can�t have a zest for life and living if you�re too afraid to risk anything.
I know, I know�

I wouldn�t be here if I didn�t know that much.

But some things are easier to gamble with than others, now, aren�t they. ( so My Life and My Future somehow wasn�t that big a deal? Although I had a year to agonize over whether I was making the right choice.)

I�m actually�actually insane. Aren�t I. Let�s be honest here.

It seems I can sit and talk to myself for ages.

I said I have long hair and don't like le sport | A word on an essay. Or life. Or anything. Like taps.

It's the best I've got to get your attention
did you miss?