in your own words in your own words

Wednesday, Dec. 15, 2004
I�ve been reading everything you�ve been feeling, and maybe we�re all not so alone?

"I feel haunted, there's some things that are always there...that you always think about. they may not be on your mind all the time, but they are still there and you never forget. sometimes you wish you could delete all traces of the past or a memory..the thing is you couldn't even if you tried"

"Its not that bad. It�s just frustrating. No matter how good a night I have, I just can't ride that feeling."

"I have no clue what I want."
"I found the best song ever. Well best song I've heard at the moment."

"wherever i am it will be the same, look past the physical location and material differences at the end of the day nothing has havent changed. place is no significance."

"sad because i have to
happy because part of me doesnt want to"

"Wondering how I've managed to come to this. How the thing that used to excite me the most has become mundane and ever repeating."

"does anyone else feel like the world just totally sucks."

"I'm like a toddler...I don't have the words so I just feel like saying, "it hurts"

"So i'm on my lonesomeness. This seems to be happening a lot recently."

"i think i may be too weird for my own good."

"Abstract sadness has no meaning to those who are only sad for good reasons."

"some birds are meant to fly away.
maybe i'm meant to always fly alone.
skies can get lonely though."

"i've run out of ways to waste time"

"Peace and quiet is what i need, or is it? maybe i need people around me, atm, i need people around me who know me"

"please don't forget me."

This is my desktop picture, Kate being kate, and James being emo -on my garden fence. I like it's naturalness.

Have been feeling very unbeautiful lately. Always wondered whether these things are due to the internal rather than the external. Who knows.

She's so angry all the time. I can't do anything to make her happy.

and there's one thing I can do nothing about | And we'll all float on okay

in your own words
did you miss?